Category Archives: Time Machine

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Time Machine: Casey Crime Photographer (1948)

Staats Cotsworth Taking A Picture

This week we go all the way back to 1948 where we listen to the radio program Casey, Crime Photographer.

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Time Machine: Girls Beware (1951)


This time we go back to 1951 and watch a film that give the ladies some very important safety tips that might keep you from getting murdered or worse!

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Time Machine: Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood


This week on the time machine the guys head back to 1981 where we visit with the legendary Mr. Rodgers who teaches us all about the art of pretzel making and sounding like a super creepy adult.

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Time Machine: Are You A Commie Or A Citizen?


This week on the time machine we go all the way back to the 1950s and the height of the cold war, where everyone had their eye out for commies and everyone asked the question are you a commie or a citizen?

The Hotshot Whiz Kids Time Machine: Kids And Drugs The Reason Why (1980)


This week we take a trip to the early 1980s, where 70s fashion still reigned and Disney was apparently making anti-drug videos. We follow a group of typical middle schoolers as they navigate the world of peer pressure, drugs and alcohol.