Netflix Movie Commentary Podcast | Shut Up And Watch The Movie!

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!
Shut Up And Watch The Movie!

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Have you ever been sitting at home watching a movie, wishing you had a couple hilarious friends by your side? Well you are in luck because the Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Network Presents: Shut Up And Watch The Movie! The Hotshot Whiz Kids, Mike Cline Jr. and Mark Davila add a colorful and sarcastic commentary to some of the best and worst movie Netflix has to offer on their streaming service. All you have to do is start the movie, pause it, start the podcast and wait for us to give you the cue to press play and our commentary will be perfectly aligned with movie! The show is released at least once a month. Send movie suggestions to  or call our hotline: 716-220-8586

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Miami Connection: Netflix Commentary Podcast

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Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: BMX Bandits

Shut Up And Watch The Movie!: BMX Bandits

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The Hotshot Whiz Kids The Hotshot Whiz Kids 11 years ago