Category Archives: Bookworms

Bookworms: My Teacher Is An Alien (1989)-The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast



This time on the show is the long awaited return of the Bookworms portion of the show. where the guys review and read from the literary world. This time the guys take a look back at the young adult book series from the late eighties and early nineties, My Teacher Is An Alien. Cline talks about the ridiculous story line and of course there are plenty of tangents the guys embark on in process. This episode is something to behold, for sure!

Book Worms: A Christmas Carol


On this holiday edition of the Bookworms edition of the podcast the guys talk about and read a little bit of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Unfortunately theĀ  review doesn’t go long before the guys go on a few different tangents before running out of time without even really talking about the book.

Bookworms Podcast: Text Appeal For Guys By Michael Masters


This time on the bookworms edition of the podcast the guys review and read select excerpts from a book by Michael Masters titled TextAppeal For Guys. The guys talk about the art of texting and decide that it probably is best to use common sense than to follow some so-called expert’s advice on getting woman through text and IM.

Also Available: TextAppeal For Girls




Bookworms: Journey Of Souls By Michael Newton


It’s once again time for the Bookworms podcast, where we review and talk about some of the best selling books in the world. Today the guys talk about a very though provoking book, Journey Of Souls By Michael Newton, PH.D. The guys talk about the claims in the book, as well as the theory of multiple lives and much more!

Bookworms: Romance Novel Reviews


This week on the Bookworms edition of the podcast the guys review a few random romance novels. It doesn’t really matter which ones because they are pretty much all the same and cater to woman’s ideal idea of what true romance is. Before they get into the reviews the guys debate if there are actually pimps and if mugging a prostitute would really be an idea. Then the guys read some descriptions and online reviews to three randomly chosen romance novels.