Category Archives: Story Time

Story Time: Rider On The Storm

Read the very important signs.
Read the very important signs.

It is sad to say but the final edition of Story Time is upon us. This short story was written around 1994 and is by far the darkest of the three short stories that I penned in middle school. The is an obvious reference to the classic Doors song, which was the inspiration for this twisted little tale. The story follows the horrible events that occurred during an unfortunate commute home. Mark narrates the story while we both interject throughout the reading.

Previous Story Time Podcasts

The Tarp Incident

History Vacation

Story Time Number 2- History Vacation

History Vacation By Mike Cline Jr. (1994)
History Vacation By Mike Cline Jr. (1994)

Here it is, the second installment of Story Time. Once again, back in middle school, Cline wrote a series of what would become legendary stories. For the first time ever they are narrated by Mark Davila with commentary from Mark as well as the author Mike Cline Jr. This week we read a story called History Vacation.

Story Time: The Tarp Incident

The Tarp Incident.
The Tarp Incident.

Back in Middle school a very young Mike Cline Jr. was an aspiring writer. He penned three brilliant short stories that remain classics to this day. Here is the first of those three tales with Mark Davila and mike Cline Jr. Himself providing the narration and commentary. The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast presents: The Tarp Incident by a young Mike Cline Jr.