All posts by The Hotshot Whiz Kids

North Korea Wants To Kill Us All And Stealing Girls From Friends-Minisode130


In this Minisode the guys talk about the threats from North Korea, stealing girls from friends, a girl named Regis and when we can stop calling this a new year.

Hot Coffee And The World’s Most Sexiest Fruit- Episode 274

Mark ate the whole thing in one sitting. He is a sick man.
Mark ate the whole thing in one sitting. He is a sick man.

The show starts off with a tale of Mark overindulging in chocolate treats and the guys talk about how Reese’s can put put peanut butter eggs all year long. Later They talk about how Mark’s father loves hot coffee after an afternoon of yard work in the scorching summer sun. Cline then tells the story of his first girlfriend and the guys debate which fruit is the sexiest. Plus sneakers, framed for murder and more!

Knight Rider Series Finale TV Commentary Podcast- Shut Up And Watch The Movie!


This week we are back in the world of 80’s TV and watch the series finale of what was one of our favorite shows when we were kids, Knight Rider. Looking back now, it seems we had horrible taste in television, but that car was and is so cool. As was the case with Murder She Wrote, which we did a commentary for a few weeks ago, the finale was pretty much just a normal episode. The producers and actors knew that the show had a declining audience and the end was near so they wrote an episode titled The Scent Of Roses where Michael’s fiancé was killed, that was supposed to be a finale but instead the network put that episode in the middle of the season and ended the series with the episode we watch, called Voo Doo Knight. So, get you Netflix of DVD ready and listen to our commentary of the series finale of the 1980’s hit Knight Rider.

Season 4 Episode 22: Voo Doo Knight

Fire Alarms And Late Night Talk Shows-Minisode129


Fire in the studio? The show must go on. Besides it is probably just a burnt pop tart.
Fire in the studio? The show must go on. Besides it is probably just a burnt pop tart.

The guys start off by talking about how no one emails for personal reasons now and discuss how people tweet way to much for their taste. Later the smoke alarm goes off, but the guys carry on, ignoring the potential fire at the studios. After the fire is out the guys talk about the latest late night wars and the potential oust of Jay Leno from his Tonight Show gig.

Easter Rabbits And The perfect Work Schedule-Episode 274


The guys start the show off by talking about weird holiday traditions like that Easter rabbit. After that the guys talk about various Easter candy and jelly beans. Cline later describes what the perfect work schedule would be for him. Later on Cline talks about more of his fish failures and how he hates the hobby. Plus Louis CK One, bobsleds, athlete’s kids and more!